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   A - PP - Reinforced Flat Back
   B - PL - Flat Back Plate
   D - BR - Back Case With Welded Bush type BR
   E - OF - Bottom With Welded Bush type OF
   F - OB - Circular Perforated Bottom Case
   G - OA - Circular Forato Alto Back
   H - OC - Back Case with Welded Hinge
   I - OD - Base Case with Welded Hinge
   J - US - Back Case with Welded Fork
   M - BP - Back Case With Welded Bush
   O - TM - Back Case with Threaded Pin
   P - SB - Base Back Case With Lubricatable Spherical Joi
   Q - SS - Bottom with Welded Spherical Ball Joint
   S - SR - Back Case with Spherical Joint Lubricable with
   T - SA - Caseback with wide-welded agricultural spheric
   U - SA - Caseback with spherical articulated type Agric
   V - FC - Flat Back Plate with Circular Flange Saladed o
   W - FL - Flat Back Plate with Side Flange Welded on the
   X - CU - Flat Back Case with Basculante Cradle Welded
   Z - WW - Special Attack


   A - PP - Flat Stem
   D - BR - Stem with Welded Bush type BR
   E - OF - Stem with Sadlata Bush type OF
   F - OB - Perforated Circular Stem
   H - OC - Stem with Welded Hinge
   J - US - Stem with Welded Fork
   K - UF - Stem with Welded Squared Fork
   N - TF - Stem with Female Threaded Hole
   O - TM - Stem with threaded pin
   P - SF - Threaded Spherical Rod Joint
   Q - SS - Rod with Welded Spherical Joint
   R - SB - Female Threaded Spherical Rod Joint
   S - SV - Rod with Spherical Joint Lubricated Threaded w
   T - SG - Adjustable Threaded Lubricated Spherical Rod
   U - SA - Welded spindle with spherical type
   V - DR - Selo con Rigid Welded Circular Plate (Stabiliz
   X - CU - Stem with Welded Spherical Oscillating Base (H
   Z -WW - Special Attack
  • CLN.DE WW/DR Dp50 De60 St30 C.0350 - B-3/8"G
    Cilindro Oleodinamico a Semplice Effetto tipo WW/DR ( WW - Attacco speciale / DR - disco rigido) ) con Alesaggio Dp=50mm, De=60mm, St=30mm, Corsa=350mm, Attacco Borchia 3/8"G (LATERALE E POSTERIORE). Lunghezza Totale a Cilindro Chiuso = 515 mm.